LP-311 Remove basic/advanced stabilization tab auto-switch (autotune/txpid lock issues)
[librepilot.git] / flight / Project / Windows USB / OpenPilot-CDC.inf
1 [Version]\r
2 Signature = "$Windows NT$"\r
3 Class = Ports\r
4 ClassGuid = {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\r
5 Provider = %ProviderName%\r
6 DriverVer=11/21/2014,\r
7 CatalogFile.NTx86  = OpenPilot-CDC_x86.cat \r
8 CatalogFile.NTamd64 = OpenPilot-CDC_amd64.cat\r
9 \r
11 %ProviderName% = DeviceList, NTx86, NTamd64\r
13 [DeviceList.NTx86]\r
14 %CopterControl% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415b&MI_00\r
15 %Revolution% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415e&MI_00\r
16 %OPLinkMini% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415c&MI_00\r
17 %OPLink1W% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_4195&MI_00\r
19 [DeviceList.NTamd64]\r
20 %CopterControl% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415b&MI_00\r
21 %Revolution% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415e&MI_00\r
22 %OPLinkMini% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_415c&MI_00\r
23 %OPLink1W% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_20A0&PID_4195&MI_00\r
25 [DriverInstall]\r
26 include = mdmcpq.inf\r
27 CopyFiles = FakeModemCopyFileSection\r
28 AddReg = LowerFilterAddReg,SerialPropPageAddReg\r
30 [DriverInstall.Services]\r
31 include = mdmcpq.inf\r
32 AddService = usbser, 0x00000002, LowerFilter_Service_Inst\r
34 ; This adds the serial port property tab to the device properties dialog\r
35 [SerialPropPageAddReg]\r
36 HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider"\r
38 [Strings]\r
39 ProviderName = "OpenPilot"\r
40 CopterControl = "CopterControl Virtual COM Port"\r
41 Revolution = "Revolution Virtual COM Port"\r
42 OPLinkMini = "OPLinkMini Virtual COM Port"\r
43 OPLink1W = "OPLink1W Virtual COM Port"\r